Installation of the General Council

September 15, 2024: This afternoon, the new General Councilors were installed by General Superior Sister M. Margarete Ulager during Vespers in the Motherhouse Church.

At 3:30 pm, the capitulars and many guests gathered in the garden of the Generalate’s house. Father Michael blessed a gift from the U.S. Canonical House – a cedar tree as a symbol of the congregation’s roots, endurance and strength.

Afterward, during the installation ceremony at a Vespers in the Motherhouse Church, Father Michael wished the new leadership team the cedar tree’s flexibility and stability. At the request of Sister Margarete, Sisters M. Rita, M. Lima, M. Hiltrud, and M. Teresa, who were elected yesterday afternoon, stated their readiness to serve. They received a candle as bearers of Christ’s light and a blessing from all the Sisters.

Before dinner in the Motherhouse, the cultural richness was revealed through entertainment by the Sisters from Japan, India, and Vietnam. They delighted everyone with their costumes and dancing. A strong sense of Franciscan hospitality and friendship was alive as everyone shared a meal and came together as a family.

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