Want to know more? Here’s news from the Generalate and from our locations around the world, as well as information about life in our Congregation.
“May Christ bless this house”: Visit of the Carol Singers
25.01.03 | German nationwide campain for children’s rights
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
12.23.24 | Christmas greetings from the Generalate – with a joyful video
Rorate caeli: Candlelight Mass in the Motherhouse church
12.10.24 | Students celebrate Rorate Mass with the Sisters
Setting the course for the future
09.19.24 | Editing of important documents, and first meeting of the new General Council
Election of the General Superior and Council
09.14.24 | Second term of office for Sister M. Margarete Ulager
In the Spirit of St. Francis
09.12.24 | Young international Sisters visit a girls’ school and the zoo
Prayer, music and the facts: Sharing culture and insights
09.09.24 | International liturgy and reporting
Official Opening of the 21st General Chapter
09.08.24 | Mass at St Paul’s Cathedral and start of meetings
Final Preparations for the 21st General Chapter
09.07.24 | Welcome to the Chapter Hall at the Borromaeum
Second day in Bremerhaven
09.05.24 | Vistit to the German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven and return to Muenster
First day in Bremerhaven
09.04.24 | Follow the delegates and guests on a two-day trip to Bremerhaven
Places of Interest: Introducing ‘Borromaeum’ Seminary
09.02.24 | Guests of the 21st General Chapter arriving at the venue
Places of Interest: Introducing St. Paul’s Cathedral Muenster
09.01.24 | Find out where the 21st General Chapter will be opened in one week’s…
Places of Interest: Introducing the Motherhouse Church
31.08.24 | Find out where the new General Superior will be installed into office
Countdown to the General Chapter: First Guests at the Motherhouse
08.30.24 | Arrival of Japanese delegation and guests tonight
21st International General Chapter of Hospital Sisters in Muenster
08.28.24 | Sisters from all over the world will gather in Muenster
“Living heritage full of the future”: Hospital Sisters of St Francis and St Francis Foundation celebrate anniversaries in Telgte
Anniversary celebrations of the German Province in Telgte on July 2, 2024
New team member in the Generalate team: Sandra Mergenthaler
Sandra Mergenthaler joined the Generalate’s “Finance and Controlling” team in June 2024
International Visitors: Sister M. Jincy and Sister M. Jeena visit Münster
Easter vacation in Muenster for Indian Sisters M. Jincy and M. Jeena
Back to the Roots: Pilgrimage to Assisi
From April 5-10, Claudia Berghorn from the Generalate team traveled to the hometown of St….