Sister M. Bernwardis Kolberg

My story of life

In September 1939, the beginning of World War II, I was born in Hamm in Westphalia. I was the sixth child. My brothers and sisters, two girls and three boys, were loyal companions to me; for they always knew what was good for their little sister.

Due to the turmoil of war during the time of National Socialism, my father lost his job in Dortmund. My uncle in Stuttgart got him an adequate job as a master electrician and found a home for our family. After a few months, my mother died of an insidious illness. How could things go on?

My father’s friend told him about a widow in Gladbeck, who had lost her husband and two sons in the war and who now lived alone in a timbered house. The house had a garden and a wonderful environment. A year after my mother’s death, they married. We got a wonderful home and so I experienced a carefree childhood despite the years of war. However, there were frightening moments, such as the alarm siren, often as full alarm, which meant that we all had to spend the next few hours and sometimes days in the bunker.

The day of my First Holy Communion is a special memory for me. As a gift, I got a book about the life of the little St. Theresa. The content of this book touched me deeply. Even today I remember looking for a quiet hiding place in the garden to read it. At that time the wish arose: I would like to enter a convent one day.

After my educational years, the question of a professional training arose. For us young women, there were only 3 professions to choose from: Hairdressing, office and sales. I decided to pursue an apprenticeship as a saleswoman. Soon I realized that this probably did not align with my inclinations.

My mother decided, I should first acquire knowledge in housekeeping. I began a 3-year education in Oberhausen at a private housekeeping school run by the Arenberg Dominican Sisters. It was a good time, during which my desire to become a religious sister became stronger and stronger. After this time, I completed a practical training in preparation for an apprenticeship as a housekeeper. This education at the Hildegardis School in Münster was a final point in finding a profession; for I had found a profession that gave me joy.

Having lived away from my parents’ home for five years, I found myself searching for a job in Gladbeck. The opportunity arose when I applied for a position in the diet kitchen at St. Barbara Hospital, a facility with approximately 500 beds and numerous specialized departments. To my delight, I was accepted.

This hospital was unique not only for its size but also for the presence of 50 “Mauritzer” Franciscan Sisters who dedicated themselves primarily to nursing care.

This job was a perfect fit for me at the time. It allowed me to be close to my parents while I was searching for my path toward a fulfilling future.

Entrance into the Congregation

After 3 years I decided to enter the Congregation of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis in Münster in 1962. The postulancy and novitiate period was a carefree and beautiful time. As it was customary in our Congregation, we learned the practice of nursing after our first profession of vows. After completing my nursing exam, I pursued my education as a dietician.

In 1968, the time of probation in my professional life began. For 4 months I worked at St. Bernhard Hospital in Kamp-Lintfort.

Afterwards, I moved to St. Josefs-Hospital in Bremerhaven. Both the life with 35 Sisters in the convent, and the work as a dietician aligned completely with my ideas. In June 1969, I got a new assignment in Münster in the dietician school.

In 1970, I professed my perpetual vows. A few months later the General Chapter took place in the Motherhouse. At this Chapter, Sr. M. Barthola, the Director of the Dietetic School at that time, was elected General Superior. This made my world collaps, since the direction of the school was entrusted to me from now on.

For about 10 years I asked myself: How can I get out of here? In a retreat, the words of the Gospel according to John touched me deeply: “Because without me you can do nothing!” My heart widened. I went back to my ministry with renewed energy.

A new phase of my life began in 1997 when I was elected to the Provincial Council during the Provincial Chapter. This marked the start of a new journey, one that called me to explore a different path.

Up until that point, my work had primarily focused on engaging with younger people – a role that brought both joy and growth. However, this new chapter shifted my focus to walking alongside the Sisters, supporting and growing with them in their ministry.

Adapting to this new role was a gradual process, but step by step, I grew into the responsibilities it entailed.

In 2010, at the age of 70, after my time in the provincial leadership, I was given the ministry as Motherhouse Superior. During this time, I became more and more aware that listening, really listening, is more important than giving all kinds of advice.

In 2016, I experienced a wonderfully unwinding period at St. Joseph’s House in Seppenrade, which, however, ended in 2017 with a new request to go to the Convent Maria-Hilf-St. Rochus as Superior. Telgte was very unfamiliar to me, since I originally belonged to the Rhineland-Westphalian Province. After the death of Sister M. Theovita, a secular director had already been appointed. I was responsible for the spiritual guidance of the Sisters. I gave my “YES” to this. In the beginning the convent numbered 41 Sisters. Since we were not a nursing home, gradually many Sisters moved to a nursing home for the elderly because they needed care. At present, 16 Sisters live in our convent.

Now I am facing the day of great expectation. What will it be like when I face the Lord? I trust that my lifelong search has a final destination. I conclude these thoughts with a word from Eduard Mörike:

In Him all beginning
who reigns, ever spinning,
the moons’, suns’ and planets’
celestial parade.
You, Father, you counsel!
Be guide and defence!
Lord, into Thy hands
beginning and end,
the whole world be laid.