Sister M. Coronata Scheffer

Born: August 14, 1932
Entrance: August 12, 1955
Professed: May 3, 1958
Died: December 3, 2024

At the beginning of this year’s Advent season, the good God in whom she had always trusted called to His heavenly home Sister M. Coronata Scheffer, Hospital Sister of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis.

The Lord is near, let us worship him.

Invitatory Prayer in Advent

Sister M. Coronata grew up with her seven brothers and sisters on a farm in Mesum. She was very grateful for her family because it was there that she learnt everything that was needed in a convent: a deep faith in the Lord God, respect for each other, work and helping people. That’s how she described herself. The connection with her relatives and her Westphalian language accompanied her throughout her life.

After passing her nursing exams, Sister M. Coronata joined St. Willehad Hospital in Wilhelmshaven in 1959 and remained there for 55 years until the convent was dissolved in 2014. She left many traces in the hospital and also in the city, for which she was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2007. She was head of the gynaecology department with the neonatal unit. It was here that many young parents experienced her love and care, which they were able to pass on to more than just their children. She herself said that she had held more than one generation of the people of Wilhelmshaven in her arms. She became the “soul of Ward 5”, affectionate, human and natural.  A genuine Westphalian original on the North Sea. In recent years, when she was freed from ward work and could devote herself to pastoral care in the hospital, regardless of the religion or nationality of the patients, she was able to use these qualities and her ability to listen even more effectively.

Sister M. Coronata was always happy when a sister came to Wilhelmshaven by train. She would meet them at the station. She would give the train driver a cigar to thank him for bringing the passengers home safely.

Sister M. Coronata spent her last years in the convent of Maria-Hilf in Telgte and finally in St. Francis convent in Nordwalde, from where God called her and surely said to her: “Nu is guord west” (Now it has been good). All that remains for us to say is: “Guord gohn” (May it go well with you). We remain fraternally united with Sister M. Coronata in prayer and in the celebration of the Eucharist.

On Tuesday, 10 December 2024, we will celebrate the Mass of Resurrection for Sister M. Coronata at 10 a.m. in St. Francis House in Nordwalde and then say goodbye to her in the parish cemetery, where she will find her final resting place. Afterwards, we can share our memories over coffee in St. Franziskus-Haus.