Sister M. Pauly Chiraparambil

On October 17th, 1961, I was born into a traditional Catholic Christian family at  Mylacomb, a village in the Idukki district of Kerala, as the 5th of the eight children – four boys and four girls.. When I was three months old we moved to Pooyamkutty, an interior village of the Ernakulam district, Kerala. My father was a farmer and mother a housewife. In addition to the agricultural work, my father did some small businesses and had a small shop, and we lived on this.

My parents were very God-fearing, and they taught us to kneel before God in all the ups and downs of life. It was compulsory for us to attend daily Mass. Growing up with my siblings, there was lot of joy and warmth in the family. Holy mass in the morning, evening family prayers, the life of my parents and the moral values they taught us – all of that helped us to grow in faith.

My house was very close to the convent and parish. As children we were very much involved in all the activities of the parish. We were very closely associated with the Sisters, and their way of life always attracted me. When I finished 7th class, we had no high school nearby. So my two sisters and I were sent to a distant place to stay in the hostel and study. The Sisters who owned the boarding had their formation house there. The junior Sisters lived there after their first profession. Looking at their life, I always wished to be a religious. The young Sisters dressed in white; to me they were like angels. I was inspired by their very life.

After finishing school, I attended a vocation camp during which I decided to become a religious. Many Sisters came and introduced their congregations. I joined the Augustinian Sisters but did not succeed. During the formation period I decided to return home and continue with my studies. Then I got a little job and started working. 

Though I left, some of the Sisters kept encouraging me to become a religious. One Sister, Sister Jacobine, introduced me to our Congregation through her brother Fr. Joseph Pullankav, a priest of the Raipur Diocese. I contacted the Sisters and I received a welcome letter from Sister M.Gerburg. I came to Pithora with some of our Sisters on December 30th, 1986. During the formation I was guided by Sister M. Gerburg and Sister M. Hedwig. I made my first profession of vows on January 25th, 1991 and my Final Profession on October 30th, 1999.

As junior Sister, I did my training in nursing and continue to work in this field till today.

Today as I look at my committed life I thank God for His marvellous blessings upon me. He in His great love not only called me but kept me in His love. “You did not choose me; I chose you” (Jn 15:16). Today it is with great awareness that I pen these words of St. John. Even when I turned and walked away from this life, God brought me back and placed me where He wanted. As I look at the years gone by, the words “I will be with you; I will not fail you nor forsake you” (Josh 1:5)” come to my mind. My life has been a life of God’s faithfulness to me. My God has kept His promise. I have failed Him so often. But He has always been with me. In the midst of roaring storms and raging waves, He has been in my little boat showing me the way and giving me the courage to walk along. I thank my God, my Congregation, my parents, my brothers and Sisters, teachers, spiritual guides and all who have been a support on my journey with Jesus. May the good Lord bless them all.