Sister M. Sophia Pulliyadan

I, Sister M. Sophia was born in 1963, in the district of Ernakulum, Kerala. I am the second daughter of my parents. We are five siblings, four sisters and a brother. One sister and family live in UK, others are living in Kerala. I lost my father in April 2023 and my mother is at home with my brother. I had a loving grandfather with whom I lived for 18 years.

I was raised on a farm; my family earned its livelihood by cultivating rice, vegetables, bananas, spices, coconuts and alike. My parents were very hardworking; my siblings and I helped them.

I studied in a convent school with the Franciscan Sisters until class five. I was very much impressed with their way of life. From then a desire was in me to become a religious. While I was in the higher secondary school, I took part in vocation camps a few times. I used to read catholic Magazines such as Satyadeepam, a weekly magazine from my diocese Ernakulam. I read and reflected the advertisement regarding “divine vocations calling you”. From Satyadeepam, I got the address of our congregation. I sent a letter to our community in Pithora, also at the same time to few other congregations. The first response that came was from our congregation. Then I shared with my parents my wish to become a religious. It was a big surprise for them.

Within few weeks, all travel arrangements were finished. Sister M. Lilly and myself along with our fathers left home and arrived in Anjali Niketan, Pithora. Our fathers returned to Kerala on the following day. I experienced God’s grace and divine inspiration which kept me going. I made professed my first vows on November 22 ,1986 and my Final Profession on January 25, 1992.

By training, I am a General Nurse. As a nurse, I have worked in our dispensaries in different places.

In 2001, Sister  Mary Ann Minor came to India for visitation. At that time, I was working in Kurkuria. Sister Mary Ann asked me “Would you like to go to Haiti to work as a missionary?”. She explained to me about Haiti. I had never heard about that country. She gave me time to make my decision. I reflected about it and said my decision to my regional superior and I said my yes to the superiors.

In October of 2001, I left for Haiti from Raipur. On my way, I visited our Motherhouse in Germany, before leaving for Haiti. One of our Sisters from Germany joined me. We both travelled to Springfield to the Provincial Motherhouse. For one year, we had special studies for the mission. I worked in Haiti from 2002 to 2008. I realized how poor were the people of Haiti. These were the best years of my religious life.

Since 2009, I have been serving in our communities at Pithora, Ramgarh and Trivandrum. Presently I am at St. Francis Hostel, Nagpur, serving as the hostel warden.

I thank all my superiors and formators who helped me in many ways in my life journey.

Looking back, I tell the Lord, thank you for your accompaniment in my life. Thank you for being present with me and bringing me to this phase of my life.