Rorate caeli: Candlelight Mass in the Motherhouse Church

December 10, 2024. This morning at seven o’clock, an atmospheric Rorate Mass was celebrated in the motherhouse church. The Mass of Light was prepared by Kristina Jansen and Linus Richter, who are completing a language year at the Borromaeum seminary in preparation for their theological studies.

“Light, especially candlelight, radiates calm,” said Kristina Jansen in her introduction. ‘It is a hopeful sign that also fills our hearts with light and warmth.’ And further: ”God has called us to be light in a dark world. Then his love and his light can be reflected in human relationships to give hope even to those who feel surrounded by darkness.”

After Mass, which was celebrated by Father Dr. Michael Plattig, Motherhouse Superior Sister Cäcilia invited the students to breakfast in the refectory and thanked them on behalf of all the Sisters for the atmospheric start to the day.

The Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Advent, which is named after the introit antiphon Rorate, is considered to be the original Rorate Mass. The name was later also given to the votive Mass in honor of Mary. As early as the fourth century, antiphons were used in which the Latin words “Rorate caeli” (“Drop down, ye heavens”) served as a refrain.

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