Sister M. Bernadinis Heikebrügge

Born: February 12, 1937
Entrance: February 8, 1958
Professed: October 28, 1960
Died: December 1, 2024

The faithful God completed the life of our dear Sister M. Bernardinis Heikebrügge, Hospital Sister of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis.

You have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.

Psalm 31:6

Sister M. Bernardinis was born into the Heikebrügge family in Osterdamme in the Oldenburg region. As her mother died early and her father was ill, Hedwig grew up with her aunt. Throughout her life, Sister M. Bernardinis, her siblings and the whole family maintained a deep relationship with each other.

Sister M. Bernardinis met the Sisters of our Congregation as a ward assistant in the hospital in Damme. She entered the congregation in Münster at the age of 21.

Sister M. Bernardinis qualified as a nurse in 1961. After working in Werne and Bremerhaven, she spent 24 years as a ward nurse in the internal medicine department in Hückeswagen. She was then happy to spend almost 25 years in Haltern, where she welcomed and supported many people through her service in the reception and information area of the hospital.

Sister M. Bernardinis moved to St. Anna-Stift in Lohne-Kroge about ten years ago due to the consequences of an illness. Her strength here was in maintaining old relationships and making new ones. She was very hospitable and sometimes gave the “red card” when she felt a visit had been delayed too long. Until her last days, Sister M. Bernardinis was very attentive to the news and well-being of those close to her. She accompanied them all with her prayers. Sister M. Bernardinis said some years ago: “If I didn’t have such a strong faith, I don’t think I could bear my illness like this”.

Today, on the first day of Advent, Christ finally met her in firm faith and in the presence of those who faithfully cared for her. We trust that she has now reached the goal of her hope. We can keep this as an encouraging testimony of how strong a support in life is trust in God and faithful human care.

We gratefully bid farewell to Sister M. Bernardinis. We remember her in prayer and in the celebration of the Eucharist and remain united to her as sisters.

We will celebrate the resurrection mass for Sister M. Bernardinis on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 2 p.m. in the convent church in Kroge. We will then accompany her to her final resting place in the Kroge cemetery. Afterwards, we can share our memories over coffee together.