Sister M. Gonzagis Bußwoller

Born: July 6, 1941
Entrance: August 19, 1961
Professed: May 3, 1964
Died: November 28, 2024

The faithful God called to himself our dear Sister M. Gonzagis Bußwoller, Hospital Sister of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis.

God who called you is faithful,
and he will also complete it.

1 Thess. 5:24

Agnes Bußwoller was born in Wüllen, near Ahaus, and grew up in this small town on the Dutch border. After leaving school she worked in a hospital in Stadtlohn. It was here that she discovered her vocation to become a Franciscan Sister. At the age of 20 she joined our congregation in Münster and became a nurse. She trained as a school nurse in Cologne-Hohenlind and then worked at the School of Nursing in Haltern, and later became head of the School of Nursing in Tilbeck.

From 1992 to 2018 she worked in Körbecke on the Möhnesee. She worked in the St. Elisabeth House and took over part of the pastoral care in the house and in the parish.  She was also to be found in the parish office. When she left, she was bid farewell with the words: “Dear Gonzagis, we admired your courage, especially in the four years when the convent had already been dissolved.” A radiant smile and encouraging, sparkling eyes – that was Sister Gonzagis’ hallmark, no matter what situation she found herself in. She was the last Sister to retire from Körbecke and also from the Archdiocese of Paderborn.

Until a few months ago, Sister M. Gonzagis lived in St. Magnus House in Everswinkel, where she also offered her pastoral services to the residents and staff. A bout of cancer forced her to give up her beloved work in Everswinkel, and to come first to the Motherhouse and then to St Heriburg House, where she placed her life back in God’s hands today.

We gratefully bid farewell to Sister M. Gonzagis. We remember her in prayer and in the celebration of the Eucharist and remain united to her as sisters.We will celebrate the resurrection Mass for Sister M. Gonzagis on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 2 p.m. in the Motherhouse Church. We will then accompany her to her final resting place in the Sisters’ Cemetery. Afterwards, we can share our memories of her over coffee in the Motherhouse.